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Jumat, 09 November 2012

Katak Nyentrik Acungkan Jari ke Arah Fotografer

       Kalau manusia yang mengacungkan jari, pasti sudah biasa. Tapi bagaimana kalau seekor katak yang mengacungkan jari? Tentu unik dan lucu kelihatannya. Foto berikut memperlihatkan seekor katak yang mengacungkan jari ke arah fotografer yang tengah membidiknya.


 Hands up: The normally timid tree frog posed perfectly for wildlife photographer Shikhei Goh
Hands up: The normally timid tree frog posed perfectly for wildlife photographer Shikhei Goh
Spitting image: Shikhei Goh spent more than three hours following the little frog in order to get these pictures 
Spitting image: Shikhei Goh spent more than three hours following the little frog in order to get these pictures

sumber :http://uniqpost.com/36990/katak-nyentrik-acungkan-jari-ke-arah-fotografer/

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